Saturday, October 27, 2012

Author Interview: Janet Lee Carey

Mrs. Janet Lee Carey is the award winning author of numerous young adult fantasy novels. They include Dragon’s Keep, The Beasts of Noor, Stealing Death, and Wendy has Wings. Her books have won the ALA Best Books of Young Adults, School Library Journal and Booklist starred review, and even been adapted to film. It’s hard to believe that such a prolific writer has time to sit and answer interview questions, but I guess that’s my charm (and Mrs. Carey’s amicable nature). ^_^ Mrs. Carey has kindly agreed to a book give away to celebrate this interview. More information about how to win at the end of this post.

CZX: What is the most challenging aspect of writing for you? What is the most rewarding?

JLC: The first major revision is often the most challenging when it’s time to buckle down and address the issues raised in the editorial letter. This part of the work can also be the most rewarding. I love seeing the novel change and grow in unusual ways.

CZX: What’s your method of fleshing out realistic characters?

JLC: The character has a life before he or she steps into the book. I put a lot of thought into backstory looking at where the character came from and who influenced them the most growing up. I also look for what drives the character — what they long for, hunger for. One way to find this is to have the character finish this sentence, “More than anything, I want _______________.” Make what the character most wants seem completely out of reach and you’ve got the beginning of a plot. The character has to take the plot personally for the story to have momentum.

CZX: How do your initial ideas change and evolve during the writing and revising process?

JLC: The idea for a book usually starts with a core question. In Stealing Death for example the novel began with the question, what if you could stop death? That led to the question, what would happen if you did? I knew these questions were the stuff of a novel. I had that core question in mind for years before I found the right way to tell the story. The character would have to find the magic power to stop death.
That led to the question, why does he want to stop death? I knew the character had to begin by suffering a great loss – by coming up against death and swearing never to let anyone he loves ever die again. This is what happens to Kipp. Once he swears that, the story is propelled forward. Of course he has to fall in love and Death comes after the girl he loves.

As you can see the plot opens up as one compelling question leads to another.  The amazing world of Zolya along with the people and customs came to life around Kipp as he fought through his adventure. As with all stories the core question, what would happen if you stopped death, isn’t answered until the surprising end.

CZX: What did you draw on to create the world and the characters for Dragon’s Keep?

JLC: Dragon’s Keep started out as a fairytale about a princess with a dragon’s claw. I imagined it as a kind of beauty and beast combined. I wanted to flip the old fairytale idea of the “perfect princess” I’d grown up with and show a girl who’s challenged to accept herself, beastly flaws and all. I thought I’d write it as a short fairytale, but about 100 pages in I realized I was writing a novel. I was soon drawn into Rosalind’s world — the relationships between Rosalind, her overprotective, disapproving mother, and the vengeful dragon who comes to claim his own. I had no idea how the story would end until I wrote it.

CZX: Which character from your books do you relate to the most?

JLC: I personally relate to all my main characters. I have to relate to them if I’m going to get inside their heads. Writing is a lot like acting. I have to become the character, think his thoughts, walk about in his skin. Surprisingly it’s no more difficult for me to write a male POV than it is a female POV. I loved switching from Miles’s POV to Hanna’s in The Beast of Noor, watching the story change according to each character’s perspective. (I do the male/female switch-off again in the sequel Dragons of Noor.)

I also loved diving into Stealing Death, living through Kipp’s crazy challenges as he tries to free the ones he loves from death. Kipp’s ride through the sky on the Death Catcher’s ghost mare gave me the same thrill as Rosalind’s dragon rides in Dragon’s Keep.

CZX: What happens after a book is published?

JLC: Yes to starting on the next book as soon as a book is published. I’m always working on at least one if not two, but marketing is also a part of the author’s job. I try to have a marketing plan that touches on the book’s theme. Part of the marketing outreach for me is about linking up with the right charity that raises reader awareness, and helps me give back. (More details on charity outreach below in question # 8). After throwing a blast of a book launch party (see photos of mine at litartphotograpy), we authors build and maintain websites - Janet’s site, do speaking engagements, radio spots, blog interviews, author blogs - Janet’s blog, and network on facebook. If we’re lucky our publishing houses send us to speak and sign books at ALA, BEA, and NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English). This year I went to ALA and spoke at ALAN the teen component of NCTE. Like many authors I also teach workshops at writing conferences, and travel across the US to keynote librarian conferences, do school, bookstore, and library visits. (Next up for me is to set up virtual visits using Skype). The list goes on and on. No one can do it all, so we do our best focusing on what we do well, and by all means, we must keep writing.

CZX: What projects are you working on right now? What’s coming soon?

JLC: Thanks for asking, Cathy. Right now I’m working on the book following Dragon’s Keep. Working title Bound By Three (due out with Dial Books 2011). I’m revising from the editorial letter (see question # 1) and it’s really coming into shape. In this novel we’re back on Wilde Island in medieval times with a new main character, Tess. Tess and her friends are on the run from the witch hunter. They seek asylum with the fairy folk and the dragons. Then comes the plot twist — Tess finds sanctuary but soon discovers the fey and dragons of Dragonswood have other plans for her. I just sent another book to copyedit. Yeah! Dragons of Noor the sequel to The Beast of Noor. If you liked the dragons in Dragon’s Keep, you’ll be blown away by the Dragon Queen in this adventure where Miles, Hanna, and Taunier join the dragons to mend the torn worlds. Here’s a mini blurb on Dragons of Noor coming out fall 2010:
~A Dreamwalker who has lost her way
~A Shape-shifter who fears his own dark power
~A Fire Herd punished for his magic. Can these three teens keep the human world of Noor and the magical world of Oth from splitting apart?

CZX: Can you tell us about Readergirlz and PlayPumps?

JLC: Readergirlz was the brainchild of visionary author Justina Chen. I was lucky to be one of the four founding divas(Justina Chen, Lorie Ann Grover, Dia Calhoun) to launch the innovative online book community in March 2007.  Readergirlzconnects readers to authors, hosts live chats, discussion groups, and empowers teens to take action in their communities. In 2008 readergirlz joined YALSA and other organizations for Operation Teen Book Drop sending 20,000 new young adult books to hospitalized teens across the country. See more about this year’s TBD. Readergirlz has received the 2007 James Patterson PageTurner Award, the 2009 National Book Foundation’s Innovations in Reading Prize, and ALA’s Great Web Sites for Children Award.

Thanks for asking about PlayPumps! While researching drought-ridden sub-Saharan Africa to create a realistic landscape for Stealing Death, I learned more than one billion people in the world do not have access to clean water. Stealing Death Water for Life Challenge became a key part of our 2009 book-launch, raising funds for clean drinking water, and awareness of the global water crisis. It’s been a privilege to raise funds and awareness. Take a look at a gorgeous PlayPumps video here.

One Word Bonus: What’s your favorite item from your desk?
Right now I’m looking at a cool dragon tarot card of a golden flying dragon with a sword in his claws. It’s the Ace of Swords card from The Dragon Tarot Deck by Nigel Suckling. That’s just one of many favorite items including the St. Michael Archangel candle I burn while I’m writing.

Thank you once again for the wonderful interview Janet! Please visit Janet’s website for more information, and trust me, there is A LOT! I intentionally didn’t ask questions that were already answered in her FAQs because Mrs. Carey is very busy as you can see.

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